Thursday, July 26, 2007

Valley of 1000 Hills

One of the places we visited was a community of over 300,000 people called The Valley of 1000 Hills. It is located in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, just north of Durban.

The death toll is staggering. Unemployment is astounding. Crime, such as rape, child abuse, incest and murder, is rampant. HIV/AIDS infection is rising at frightening levels.

The overall infection statistics are 42%. The mother to child infection rate is 41%.

Children are orphaned. They are hungry. Some don't have homes. They aren't safe.

But there is hope.

The Valley of 1000 Hills Community Helpers exists to alleviate the suffering of children in distress. As society has evolved and new horrors confront children, we have adapted our services to the needs of the community and focus particularly on children and communities impacted by AIDS.

We visited this organization. We were first greeted by Dawn Leppan, a woman who has dedicated her life in assisting orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC). She is soft-spoken woman who has more passion for people in her little finger than I have ever had.

Dawn gave us the tour of the facilities. They have trade center where they teach adults certain trades so that they can join the workforce. Some of these trades include crafts (bead work, textiles, sewing), masonry work, and even a school to train nurses.

We also learned of what it takes to feed a community of this magnitude.

Anyone who has ever stayed up late watching infomercials knows that $1 can help. But let me break it down for you.

You will never fully understand how much one US dollar helps until you walk up to a currency exchange center and see how your money converts to local currency.

One US dollar equals 7 Rand.
The cost of one meal for one person is 6 Rand...less than one dollar.
The cost for one month of meals for the community is 700 Rand.
That's $100. For one month.

I went to the grocery store today and spent $40 on food for three or four meals. Let me break these numbers down further.

$40 equals 280 Rand.
280 Rand equals almost 47 meals.

Do you see how it breaks down? Once you do the math, you begin to understand how every little bit helps.

I'm going to brag on our crew. Not because I want to praise us for our "wonderful works". Not because we want glory. But to show you how much little things (to us) can help a community.

In about 20 minutes, we gave 2800 Rand out of pocket. That's $400 US. That equals to 4 whole months of meals for the community.

I couldn't wait for the minute that we got to present it to Dawn and her team. When we gave it, she was so excited. She ran and yelled for more of her team to come out to see what had been given to them. We told her to use it for whatever she needed it to go to, whether she used it for materials for the center, more meals, or to just pad the funds that they receive normally.

So, let me tie this into you...our supporters.

You need to know how much your donations to us have helped this community. Had you not given, this wouldn't have been possible.

We sang to these children. But more importantly, they sang to us. They sang to us about Jesus, and it broke my heart. Even as I sit here crying and I remember their faces, I can't shake the fact that I have been so cavalier with my life, my finances, my blessings.

They sang to me about Jesus. The Jesus that loves regardless of age, race, gender...length of life. Most of these children will not live long. Yet they have hope. They gave me hope. I cried more on this trip than I have ever cried.

I realized that Jesus is Jesus. No matter what I view Him to be in my mind. He is real. He loves me. He loves these children. I am no better than they are. Only I think they understand Him more. I think they know how it feels when they hear the story of Jesus touching the man who had leprosy. They know that they are not outcasts to Jesus. They know that they won't be refused in His love.

I have much to learn from these children.

Their eyes speak of unfailing love. Their voices speak of joy. Their hearts have touched my own.

I know I may never see them again. But just the single glimpse of their lives has affected my heart.

So, here's where the Sally Struthers moment comes into play. You know, I don't care what it sounds like. I have been jaded for far too long. I have been too prideful. For that I am sorry.


Please visit This is the website for The Valley of 1000 Hills Community Helpers.

We cannot cure these children. But we can feed them, cloth them, and love them. Most will not survive. But most will smile.

They need love. They need help. Your help. My help. Our help.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

We're finally coming home!!

We’re finally coming home! I’m sitting at a coffee shop in the Johannesburg airport with my cafe latte in hand. We’re all waiting for our 11-hour flight to London. At least it’s overnight- so we can sleep.
It’s been a whirlwind of a week! We got to go on a safari on Friday. We all loaded up on big jeep things and drove around this big game reserve called Thula Thula. We saw elephants, giraffes, wildebeasts, zebras, and impalas. It was a blast. We also did our second retreat at a retreat center on the beach in Durban. If you looked out our windows of our “dorm room”, you’d see the Indian Ocean- as big and wide and blue as the sky.

The people we met here are just as beautiful. For those in the States reading this, know that you have brothers and sisters who love you here in South Africa. There are faithful followers of Jesus halfway across the world who are passionate about worship and helping the poor. And I can now call many of them friends. That’s really important to me to be able to say that. Friends like Brian Lister, Noel, Durc, Ryan and Anthea, not to mention all the teens we’ve come to know. We learned a little Afrikaans to boot! It’s good to know that we are more than “fellow Christians”. Though true, we have become friends and family.
At the retreat, we sang this weekend until our lungs were sore and throats were hoarse. Both “Jabulani” and “Arise” became theme songs for us on this trip. (side note: We met a guy actually named Jabulani at our concert in Empangini. Absolutely awesome! We called him up on stage to sing it with us. Evidently, Jabulani is a common Zulu name today.) There were many requests for Todd to sing “Amazing Grace”. We smiled as we watched people go crazy as he dropped those low notes. Yeah- that was pretty cool.

I’m having mixed emotions right now. I long to see my little girl, but I want to stay here for a while. You know, learn a little more Afrikaans and be able to blend in with the locals. I want to help encourage our churches here and help them take the next steps in worship. But I also long for my friends back home, a cup of coffee at Starbucks, and sleeping in my own bed.
This trip has changed me. I have TONS more pictures and videos to share. I’ll get them up soon. Again, I want to say thank you to all who sacrificed financially to allow us to share the gospel with our friends here. I want to say thank you to Free Indeed, VHF, One Spirit, and all who made this trip what it is. We have made friends for life. I love singing with all of you. I truly feel blessed to have shared this experienced with you.
Chris Lindsey

Empangini Orphanage

Kids at the orphanage singing "There's No One Like Jesus" for us. In the midst of such dire circumstances- they still have joy.